Sunday, 5 May 2013

Just a dream

Have you ever wondered if a dream is just a dream? Or do you believe a dream has more meaning to it than just being a dream?

I often convince myself that a dream is just a dream, but most of the times my brain fights back and convince me that there should be more to the dream than it just being a dream. For why would your mind conceive such reality if it did not have any meaning?

Then I start thinking about the dream and I start to wonder exactly why my mind would torture me with dreams and visions like these.

Why would my mind let me dream about a person who I liked, but never liked me back. And then started
liking me as soon as I was happy in my relationship. Why would my mind let me dream of something I've thought about doing when I was single, when it would have worked, while I'm happily in a relationship?

Why would my mind confuse me and make me wonder about my feelings and motives? Why would my mind make me want to give in, to end this torture, to stop dreaming, to stop living.

Why would my mind torture me when all I need is sleep and rest.

Let me be, let me sleep without shouting in the middle of the night without any reason. Let me sleep, without dreams that haunt me throughout the day.

Let me sleep dear mind, let me sleep!

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