We make plans and then we get all excited when the time goes by and the plans fall into place. And then a freak accident happens and it changes everything you planned. Suddenly you have to start planning again. You have to look at new options to accommodate for the bruises.
We had everything planned out. We would go to the camp together. Then you had to work and I had to organise a lift - but then you didn't have to work, I still went with my lift. On the camp you were busy helping out and I helped build the camp. Both smiling, for we knew something not many other people knew.
Then my worst nightmare happened, they told me we're going to the hospital. In the car, I saw the burn shield on your hands - emotions, like the waves of the sea, washed in my head and all I could think about was to be strong for you. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Why now?
Now that you're better and the camp is over, the shock of it all hit me like a bus hitting a pedestrian. Why in heaven's name did you do such a stupid thing? It's the most irresponsible thing I've ever seen or heard of. Don't you realise what this means for you, for us, for your work?

I think what angers me the most is the fact that I can't be with you every second of every day. I hear second hand the news the doctor bears. I cant eat and I struggle to sit and do nothing. My mind going crazy about changes. I've never liked change, even though I adapt quickly.
Then again everything happens for a reason and there is a lesson to be learnt out of every situation. Let's hope we learn the lessons to be learnt and not make the same mistakes again. This is a major test to our relationship...
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