It's not necessarily a bad feeling. It's just a strange feeling.
Some might describe it as butterflies in their tummy. Others describe it as a knot. Some even say it feels like their hearts try to escape through their throughts. Others describe it as a feeling of constant explosion.
All I know is that every time I'm on my way to see the love of my life, or when the love of my life is on his way to see me, I experience this strange feeling.
When I'm away from you, I have no doubts. I know your feelings for me are strong. But when I'm away from you it seems like forever until we see each other again. When I'm with you, I'm certain of our feelings for one another

You are my smile, my breath, my reason for existing. You gave me hope. You gave me peace. You made me experience love.
You made a promise to me. I made a promise to you. You gave me your life. I gave you my life. And now 9/11 will never mean the same to us as to the world.
From now on there can only be better to come.
We might be to young for marriage now, but in the future we'll wed. I'll be finished with my studies and we'll both be able to tie ourselves in holy matrimony. We'll be bound by words and signed documents - the future can only hold positive things, more possibilities. More freedom. More peace. More love.
I love you with every piece of my heart and I look forward to a future with you. A future with us.
(23 Nov 2012)
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