I don't have time for people who change who they are according to the people they see.
Be who you are, everywhere you go. Be who you are, with whom ever you are.
Because if you can't be you all the time. Who are you really then?

You can't say that you're not going to do something and you agree with me, and the next moment go out and do it.
It's childish and immature of you. Grow up and get to know yourself better. Get your own personality and stop trying to fit into other peoples personalities.

Stop telling me one thing and then going out and doing something else.
I classify deceitful under the same category as lying. Don't lie to me.
Be yourself, because while you're hiding yourself from everybody because you're afraid of not being loved for who you are. You're hiding your true self from the one person who will love you, for you.
Be yourself, because no body else will ever be able to be you.
Be yourself, because God made you to be you, not somebody else.
Be you and be hated for who you are, rather than being loved for what you are not.
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