We stumble and we fall, yet we get back up again. We get bruised and we get healed. We get hurt and we get stronger. We learn not too trust, yet we let ourselves trust again. We get confused and we get the facts. We learn to love and wish to be loved in return.
This time, I promised myself I wouldn't fall again, at least until I finish the most important thing in my life - my studies. Then I met you and my world paused for a very brief second. At least that was what it felt like. I saw you and I realized that I stopped in the middle of my sentence.
The first thing I said to myself, was "NO!". Not now, not yet. "Forget it", I thought, "why in the world would he even look in your direction?". But alas, I couldn't stop my heart thinking about him the whole day, every day. And as things went, we became friends and realized that we share more than a few mutual interests - animals being the greatest interest we share.
I still remember the exact moment I completely fell in love with him. I fell in love with his personality. I also remember the exact moment I fell in love with his soul.
I fell in love with his personality that night we talked and he shared his worst experience with me. I fell in love with his soul that night I looked into his eyes, the dust dancing around us, the light illuminating all he is hiding. Those colourful, shop-soiled, beautiful brown eyes staring into mine. I couldn't help getting lost in their story. I couldn't help staring into them and completely losing control of reality.

You asked me what I see nine years from now, I chose not to answer. I'd rather hold your face in my hands, stare into those beautiful eyes of yours, and tell you personally that I see us. I see you and I see me. I see a future where we figure it out together and live in the days that go by. I see you and I see me, nothing will tear us apart.
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