Thursday 7 June 2012

What does time have to do with anything?

Is it too early to feel that I might love you?

Is it too early to feel that I would do anything to spend the rest of my life with you?

Is it too early to dream about our future together?

Is it too early to plan a life together?

When I met you, I wanted to fight the urge I felt to talk to you. Then you said the first words and my head spiralled. When I first heard your voice, I didn't want to get addicted to the sound. Then we spent a whole night talking and my stomach had the most amazing butterfly feeling. When I first saw your eyes, I didn't want to look at them ever again - afraid that I might fall into their wonder. Then you took my face and held my gaze for a minute and I felt my heart skip a beat.

When we started getting along, I didn't want to miss any chance to see you. You were in my mind, every single moment of every day that passed.

When the time went by, I didn't want to say goodbye - afraid that you might never use the number you asked, afraid that I might never see you again. Then you messaged me and we never stopped talking, the conversations flowing through days and sometimes even weeks. Never have we ever had a default: "hi, how are you, what are you up to" conversation.

We share the same dreams. We think about the same things. We love the same things. We have the same aspirations.

In your arms I dream of being every night. Holding your hand in the day. Kissing you when you smile. Enjoying every moment with you. Your face would be the first thing I see every morning I wake up and the last thing I see before I go to bed. Our love would be the glue, holding something perfect together. Where time an distance doesn't matter.

I dream of spending the rest of my life with you, the perfect ring around my finger. The perfect ring on your finger, telling the world that you are mine and I am yours.

Life won't be easy every day, but we'll have each other and we'll have God and that would be everything we need.

Is it too early to feel this strong about you?

Is it too early to dream about a future with you?

Is it too early to love you?

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