Saturday 14 July 2012

Open up to us

You just don't care, do you?
You don't care how much your words hurt. You don't care about the effect. You don't care about the way you say stuff. You just don't care.

You have a people limit, and unfortunately for us, its permanently exceeded. So we get to face the ripple effect. We get the side of you that isn't controlled.

You told us about a system you started at work, yet it doesn't work in your own house, because you can't apply the same system.

One time you'll tell me not to do something, so when I don't do it, you get angry at me.

You're always disappointed in me and nothing I ever do seems right in your eyes. You criticize everything I do and you always focus only on my negative.

Why can't we see the side of you we brag about? The side every other person sees. The side every other person knows. The side every other person talks about.

Why can't you focus on the positive. Why can't you see how hard I try, how hard I've been trying for years.

Why can't you realise that you are hurting us?

Why can't you just stop and listen for once?

Why cant you see you through my eyes? Why don't you want to listen?

Why don't you understand?

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