Monday 8 October 2012

Think about it

"Be the change you want to be in the world" ~ Mahatma Gandhi

I'll tell you something I don't understand. How can they hammer you, in school, about something and when you reach university it suddenly loses it's importance.

Something else I don't grasp. Why in the world would you convince people to do good academically. Then when a student comes to you to ask about their achievement, to better the results, you tell them to stop worrying about their marks. You say that it is "unnecessary" to do great. To achieve their best.

Then I ask you, what is the point of it all then?

When humans complain about the state of their country, but in the same breath say that spelling and writing is not important, I feel they have no right to complain. When you look at how easy it is to become a "know-it-all" with the power to rule a country. I ask you, what is the point of studying and getting a degree? What is the point of university, if every second baboon meets the requirements.

When you look at the facts, it really is no wonder. When you look at the standards, the evidence is clear as to why we're struggling. It is no wonder we're living in an era of smart phones and stupid people. It's no wonder we're losing our precious world.

Look around people, stop trying to be better than every body else and help the weaker become stronger. Help build the future.

Stop allowing people to change you. Stop complaining about the state of things and be the change you want to see in the world. Because only through failure, you will learn to succeed.

Be strong. Be brave. Never, ever give up.

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